2019 /法国 /喜剧 /90分钟
主演: 吉尔·勒卢什 马利克·班泽拉 萨巴纳·奥扎尼 卡米·露 Anne-ElisabethBlateau 洛伊奇·勒让德 雨果·贝克 HarmandeepPalminder AnnabelleLengronne GrégoirePaturel 珍妮·布尔诺 NassimLyes BenjaminNlomngan 卡里姆·贝尔卡德拉 菲利普·乌禅 RémydeVaucorbeil 大卫·赛勒斯 DjemelBarek JhonRachid MahdiAlaoui JacquesLepesqueur TarikLamli AlexandreIonescu BouraouaMarzouk MathéoCapelli MichalMsihid AlyseGaultier MickalGrente FabienLeMoul AnnaFilippi NicolasDussaut SaberHallout 乌格斯·马特尔 CarolineLetac NicolasSap VincentFuric TariqBettahar 蒂埃里·内内斯 JessyCamara KamyCoussot
导演: 穆罕默德·哈米迪
上映时间: 2019-01-15
剧情简介 : A trendy advertising company located in the center of Paris has for years been falsely declared in the Free Zone in La Courneuve, a domiciling that allows it to obtain aid and exemptions from charges. During a check, the tax administration realizes the deception and informs the boss. The deal is as follows, the company pays millions of euros in fines to repay the aid it has und...